What People Say

"Seven months ago, I decided to reach out to Sherri about my changing health and waistline. I knew I needed to shed some pounds, but I hadn’t realized that my A1C was going to show that I needed to address my blood sugar. In addition, my testosterone levels had lagged over the years and Sherri felt strongly that addressing both would change my life.

I was skeptical at first but because of my respect for Sherri and the desire to make a change, I began her medically supervised weight loss program and started receiving prescription testosterone supplements.

Admittedly, I haven’t been the most disciplined eater during this program, but I haven’t struggled with cravings, snacking and overeating.

Seven months later I am down 38 lbs., my A1C is down over a point, and I am a belt size I haven’t seen in over 20 years. I am very impressed with how I feel and cannot say enough about how patient, understanding and amazing Sherri is as my health care practitioner."

Mark S.

"In 2019, Jason found that the pace of his career was presenting challenges with his practical ability to focus on his health. The hassle that comes with appointments that need to occur during business hours drove him to choose the Concierge Medicine Program through Sherri Micone, APRN-C, at Elite Health Medspa. The flexibility of direct communication with her and the creative schedule options was a no-brainer to transition to her practice. Her thoughtful and thorough evaluations and responses made it so much easier for me to address health challenges on the fly, some that had been hounding me for years.

As I approached retirement, my goal was to get into the best shape of my life before I retired at 50. After sharing my workout responsiveness and recovery challenges with Sherri, we ran labs to evaluate what might be inhibiting me from realizing the benefits of the work I was putting in at the gym.

Low and behold, that panel revealed some opportunities for improvement in my hormones and nutrition supplementation. After doing my own research (and occasionally being told to get off Web MD) I committed to the treatment plan she recommended, and I am blown away by the results.

She took a conservative and individualized approach to levels I needed to adjust, and I am proud to report I did retire in the best shape I have ever been in. I have dropped 18 lbs, which was not my original goal, and the supplement combination has improved my entire body composition.

If you feel like you can’t make progress in your health, I highly recommend the program Sherri offers. She is approachable, responsive, and conservative in her approach, the results I have seen have been anything but conservative though! You cannot know what is going on internally until you get that lab panel drawn, information is power."

Jason T.

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